Continuous training of our employees to provide the best service to our customers.



In a world in constant change, where technologies and market demands evolve by leaps and bounds, continuous training has become an indispensable tool for us. For this reason, at Bonterra Resort we invest in the training of our employees so that year after year they continue to be trained and learn new procedures and acquire knowledge to provide the best possible service.

Furthermore, we must not forget that taking courses helps us to be more efficient, reduce errors, increase commitment to the company, improve service and productivity.

One of the essential courses we run every year is Basic Life Support and automated external defibrillation. At reception we have a defibrillator and with this course, all our employees learn the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively to emergency situations related to cardiac arrest and learn how to use it effectively. Thanks to this course, our employees acquire the necessary knowledge to respond to possible victims, open the airways, perform chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose breathing.

On the other hand, we hold an emergency course every year. We carry out a fire drill where each of our employees has a role to play in possible emergency situations. In this way we learn, through practice, how to face and respond to various emergency situations that could occur in the campsite and how to carry out safe and effective evacuations.

Another of the other courses taken by all our employees is the occupational risk prevention course. This course is essential to guarantee the health and safety of our workers in the performance of their duties. In this way we promote a preventive culture among our workers, reduce accidents at work and improve productivity. Thanks to this course, they learn prevention concepts and measures, as well as the identification of possible risks, they also learn to evaluate how to act and what procedures to apply in the event of emergencies.

In addition to the general courses, our employees also receive department-specific training.

In the case of the maintenance department, they are trained in pool treatment. In these courses they learn how to use the different chemical products in the pool, how to keep the water in perfect conditions for its use, as well as how to act in case of possible water contamination.

In the case of the reception department, language courses are held to encourage the learning and improvement of the different languages used in reception such as English, French or German. In this way we can offer a better service to our foreign clients that we usually receive during the winter season.

Finally, we would like to highlight that our social media team also takes different courses to continue learning marketing techniques to be able to promote ourselves on social media and keep our customers informed of all the latest news about Bonterra Resort. For this reason, they take courses on Canva editing, video editing and the use of the different social networks.

At Bonterra Resort we always want to develop and improve, which is why we are constantly concerned about the different ways in which we can do so. The continuous training of our employees is one of the ways we have to achieve this, as well as the renovation of the facilities, the constant attention to be up to date with the market demands, as well as keeping up to date to offer the best possible experience to our customers.

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Condiciones de reserva

Estancias mínimas

Consultar estancias mínimas de reserva según temporada.


Las condiciones de reserva son las siguientes:

  • Alojamientos: 25% del importe total de la estancia al formalizar la reserva.
  • Parcelas: 25% del importe total de la estancia al formalizar la reserva.

El resto será abonado a la llegada. Las reservas se confirmarán cuando se reciba el depósito anteriormente mencionado.

Bonterra Resort se compromete a reservar un tipo de parcela o alojamiento, pero nunca uno en concreto.

Las reservas de parcelas se realizarán para un mínimo de dos personas.


La devolución del depósito de la reserva se realizará como se detalla a continuación: con más de un mes antelación: 90% del depósito; entre 7 y 30 días de antelación: 50% del depósito; menos de 7 días de antelación: 0% del depósito.


La reserva que no llegue el día previsto, se mantendrá durante 24 horas. A partir de este momento, la reserva se considerará nula, excepto previo aviso por escrito.

Booking conditions

Minimum stay
Please check minimum stay requirements depending on the season.

Booking conditions are as follows:

  • Lodging: 25 % of total price on formalizing the booking.
  • Pitches: 25% of total price on formalizing the booking. The rest is to be paid on arrival.

Bookings will be confirmed on receipt of the above-mentioned deposit. Bonterra Resort guarantees the booking of a pitch or accommodation, but not the exact one. Pitch bookings are for a minimum of 2 people.


The refund of the booking deposit will be made as detailed below: more than one month in advance: 90% of the deposit; between 7 and 30 days in advance: 50% of the deposit; less than 7 days in advance: 0% of the deposit.

The booking of a guest that does not arrive on the scheduled day will be maintained for 24 hours. After this time, it will be considered void, except in case of previous written notice.