Bonterra will always be our best vacation getaway



Today’s story is told by Silvia, a happy camper who repeats her vacation at Bonterra Resort annually since she met us in 2007

We are a family from Barcelona and it all started in 2007. My daughter was 8 months old and we wanted to go to a campsite that was not too far from home. Our first option was in Oropesa but we went and it was sold out. The second option: Benicàssim, Bonterra Park (so called until this year). We arrived, we saw it and since then we wish every year that August arrives to return.

The summer of 2007 we had a great time, we met some people but we did not make friends. In 2008 we stayed next to a couple with two children who were familiar to us from the previous year; We started talking and since then they are our best friends. Throughout the year we have been visiting each other’s homes and we spend many hours on the phone.

We have been going to Bonterra Resort for 13 summers in a row and during all these years we have met a lot of people. I have a recorded memory in which my little girl, 4 years old, the day we left she sat on the empty pitch and said that she was not leaving, hahahaha.

Last year we were hesitant to go because of Covid-19 but finally we went and the security measures that were in place were incredible. And the best of all: we were with our friends, although the pity I have is that, unfortunately, we will not be able to be together again. My friend is gone, but only physically, because she will always be in our hearts.

There are so many memories we have and how much fun we have every year, that Benicassim and Bonterra will always be our best vacation getaway.



Would you like to tell us your story with Bonterra Resort as Silvia has done? Write us an email to, adding some photos of your experiences.

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Condiciones de reserva

Estancias mínimas

Consultar estancias mínimas de reserva según temporada.


Las condiciones de reserva son las siguientes:

  • Alojamientos: 25% del importe total de la estancia al formalizar la reserva.
  • Parcelas: 25% del importe total de la estancia al formalizar la reserva.

El resto será abonado a la llegada. Las reservas se confirmarán cuando se reciba el depósito anteriormente mencionado.

Bonterra Resort se compromete a reservar un tipo de parcela o alojamiento, pero nunca uno en concreto.

Las reservas de parcelas se realizarán para un mínimo de dos personas.


La devolución del depósito de la reserva se realizará como se detalla a continuación: con más de un mes antelación: 90% del depósito; entre 7 y 30 días de antelación: 50% del depósito; menos de 7 días de antelación: 0% del depósito.


La reserva que no llegue el día previsto, se mantendrá durante 24 horas. A partir de este momento, la reserva se considerará nula, excepto previo aviso por escrito.

Booking conditions

Minimum stay
Please check minimum stay requirements depending on the season.

Booking conditions are as follows:

  • Lodging: 25 % of total price on formalizing the booking.
  • Pitches: 25% of total price on formalizing the booking. The rest is to be paid on arrival.

Bookings will be confirmed on receipt of the above-mentioned deposit. Bonterra Resort guarantees the booking of a pitch or accommodation, but not the exact one. Pitch bookings are for a minimum of 2 people.


The refund of the booking deposit will be made as detailed below: more than one month in advance: 90% of the deposit; between 7 and 30 days in advance: 50% of the deposit; less than 7 days in advance: 0% of the deposit.

The booking of a guest that does not arrive on the scheduled day will be maintained for 24 hours. After this time, it will be considered void, except in case of previous written notice.